Chapter 6: Class, Identifiers, Reserved Keywords, Data Types in Java

Table of contents

Today's Topics of Discussion:

  1. Basic Introduction to OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)

  2. Identifiers and Variables

  3. Reserved Words in Java

  4. Data Types and Data Type Chart

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm centered around the concept of "objects." It enables developers to model real-world entities in code. Every object in OOP consists of two main components:

  1. What it has (Attributes/Properties)

  2. What it does (Methods/Behaviors)

Example: Car

Let's consider the example of a car:

  1. What it has:

    • Brand Name: The manufacturer of the car (e.g., Toyota).

    • Number of Wheels: Most cars have four wheels.

    • Model: The specific version of the car (e.g., Camry).

    • Speed: The maximum speed the car can achieve.

  2. What it does:

    • Move: The ability to travel from one place to another.

    • Accelerate: The ability to increase speed.

    • Brake: The ability to slow down or stop.

Java Code Representation

To express these concepts in Java, we use classes. A class is a blueprint for creating objects. Here’s how we can represent the car in Java:

class Car {
    // Attributes (Has part of an object)
    String brandName; // Brand of the car
    int noOfWheels;   // Number of wheels

    // Methods (Does part of an object)
    public void move() {
        // Logic for moving the vehicle
        System.out.println("The car is moving.");

    public void accelerate() {
        // Logic for accelerating the vehicle
        System.out.println("The car is accelerating.");

In this code:

  • Attributes like brandName and noOfWheels represent what the car has.

  • Methods like move() and accelerate() represent what the car does.

Understanding Classes and Objects

  1. Class: A class is a template from which objects are created. It defines the properties and behaviors common to all objects of that type. For instance, Car is a class that defines what attributes and methods every car object will have.

  2. Object: An object is an instance of a class. Each object can have its own unique values for the properties defined in the class. For example, a specific car like a "Toyota Camry" is an object of the Car class.

Example: Student Class

Let’s consider a Student class to illustrate this further:

class Student {
    // Attributes (Has part)
    String name; // Name of the student
    int id;      // Student ID
    float height; // Height of the student

    // Methods (Does part)
    public void study() {
        // Logic for studying
        System.out.println(name + " is studying.");

    public void play() {
        // Logic for playing
        System.out.println(name + " is playing.");

In this example, each student has a name, ID, and height, and can perform actions like studying and playing.

Identifiers in Java

Identifiers are names given to various elements in Java code, such as classes, methods, and variables. They help distinguish different parts of the code.

Types of Identifiers

  1. Class Name: The name of a class (e.g., Car, Student).

  2. Method Name: The name of a method (e.g., move(), study()).

  3. Variable Name: The name of a variable (e.g., brandName, id).

Rules for Identifiers

  • Must begin with a letter, underscore (_), or dollar sign ($).

  • Can contain letters, digits, underscores, or dollar signs.

  • Cannot start with a digit.

  • Case-sensitive (e.g., myVar and myvar are different).

  • Cannot use reserved keywords (like class, public, void).

    (You will find a detailed explanation below)

Examples of Identifiers in Java

Let’s go through the provided examples and identify the identifiers in each case.

Example 1:

class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 10;


  • Test: Class name.

  • main: Method name.

  • String: Class name (for the args parameter).

  • args: Parameter variable.

  • x: Local variable.

Total identifiers: 5

Example 2:

class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {


  • Test: Class name.

  • main: Method name.

  • String: Class name (for args).

  • args: Parameter variable.

  • System: Class name.

  • out: Member of the System class.

  • println: Method from PrintStream.

Total identifiers: 7

Example 3:

class Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String name = "Rohit";
        String result = name.toUpperCase();


  • Demo: Class name.

  • main: Method name.

  • String: Class name (appears twice).

  • args: Parameter variable.

  • name: Local variable.

  • result: Local variable.

  • toUpperCase: Method name.

  • System: Class name.

  • out: Member of the System class.

  • println: Method from PrintStream.

Total identifiers: 12 (including repeated identifiers)

Rules for Writing an Identifier in Java (With Respect to JVM + Compiler)

Identifiers are fundamental elements in Java that represent names of variables, methods, classes, etc. These identifiers must follow specific rules to be valid in Java. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the compiler enforce these rules strictly, and any violation results in a compilation error.

Rule 1: Allowed Characters in Java Identifiers

Java identifiers can only consist of the following characters:

  1. Lowercase letters: a to z

  2. Uppercase letters: A to Z

  3. Digits: 0 to 9

  4. Underscore (_)

  5. Dollar sign ($)

Other symbols or special characters are not allowed in identifiers. The compiler throws an error if you use them.


javaCopy codeint ^ = 10;       // Invalid (cannot use `^` in an identifier)
int toata;l = 10; // Invalid (semicolon is not allowed in an identifier)
int total# = 10;  // Invalid (hash `#` is not allowed)
int rohit10 = 100; // Valid (contains only valid characters)
  • int ^ = 10;Invalid: The ^ symbol is not allowed.

  • int toata;l = 10;Invalid: The semicolon ; is an invalid character.

  • int total# = 10;Invalid: The hash symbol # is not allowed.

  • int rohit10 = 100;Valid: The identifier contains letters and digits only.

Rule 2: Using Any Other Characters Results in a Compile-Time Error

As explained, using any characters other than letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), underscores (_), or dollar signs ($) in identifiers results in a compile-time error.


javaCopy codeint my&name = 10; // Invalid (the `&` symbol is not allowed)
int your@name = 10; // Invalid (the `@` symbol is not allowed)

The above lines of code will throw compile-time errors.

Rule 3: Identifiers Cannot Start with a Digit

Identifiers cannot start with a digit. They must begin with either a letter (a-z, A-Z), an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($). Starting an identifier with a number will result in a compile-time error.


javaCopy codeint rohit20 = 100;  // Valid (starts with a letter)
int 1rohit = 100;   // Invalid (cannot start with a digit)
  • int rohit20 = 100;Valid: Starts with a letter (r).

  • int 1rohit = 100;Invalid: The identifier starts with a digit (1).

Rule 4: Identifiers Are Case-Sensitive

Java is a case-sensitive language, meaning num, Num, nUm, and NUM are treated as different identifiers. The JVM and compiler treat these as entirely separate variables, even though the only difference is the capitalization of letters.


class Demo {
    int num = 10;  // Valid
    int Num = 20;  // Valid (different from `num`)
    int nUm = 30;  // Valid (different from `num` and `Num`)
    int NUM = 40;  // Valid (different from `num`, `Num`, and `nUm`)

In this case:

  • num, Num, nUm, and NUM are all different variables because Java treats uppercase and lowercase letters as distinct.

Rule 5: No Length Limit for Identifiers

There is no fixed length limit for Java identifiers. Technically, you can make an identifier as long as you want. However, it's a good practice to keep the identifier length below 15 characters to maintain readability and clarity in your code.


int PriorityofThreadWithMinValue = 1;  // Valid (though long)

Even though the identifier PriorityofThreadWithMinValue is long, it is still valid. However, using long identifiers is not recommended as it makes the code harder to read.

Special Cases: Identifiers Can Start with $ or _

Identifiers can also start with a dollar sign ($) or an underscore (_). This is allowed, but it is generally not recommended in practice unless necessary.


 codeint $a = 10; // Valid (starts with a dollar sign)
int _a = 10; // Valid (starts with an underscore)

Both identifiers are perfectly valid according to Java rules, but most developers avoid starting identifiers with $ or _ unless there's a specific need (like for system-generated names).

2.2 Reserved Words in Java

Understanding Reserved Words

Reserved words, also known as keywords, are predefined identifiers in the Java programming language that have specific meanings and functionalities associated with them. The Java compiler and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) recognize these words and use them to define the structure of the Java language.

Characteristics of Reserved Words:

  • Predefined Meaning: Each reserved word is tied to a particular action or concept in Java (e.g., control flow, data types, etc.).

  • Cannot be Used as Identifiers: Since they have special meanings, reserved words cannot be used as names for variables, classes, or methods. Attempting to do so results in a compile-time error.

  • Case Sensitivity: Java is case-sensitive, which means that identifiers with different cases are treated as different entities.

Examples of Reserved Words

  1. Control Flow Keywords:

    • if, else, while, for, switch: These keywords are used to control the flow of the program based on conditions. For instance, if checks a condition, and else provides an alternative execution path.
  2. Exception Handling Keywords:

    • try, catch, throw, throws: These keywords are used to handle exceptions in Java, enabling developers to write robust code that can manage runtime errors gracefully.
  3. Data Type Keywords:

    • int, float, double, char: These keywords define the data types of variables. For example, int is used for integer values, while float is for floating-point numbers.
  4. Modifiers:

    • public, private, protected, static: These keywords modify the accessibility and behavior of classes, methods, and variables. For example, public allows access from any other class, while private restricts access to the defining class.
  5. Reserved Literals:

    • true, false, null: These literals represent boolean values and null references. They are essential for conditional expressions and object initialization.

Rules for Writing Identifiers

  1. Rule 6: Reserved Words Cannot Be Used as Identifiers

    • Since reserved words have specific meanings, you cannot use them as variable names or identifiers. This rule is critical to avoid conflicts with the Java language syntax.

    • Example:

        int if = 10; // Compile-time error: 'if' is a reserved word.
  2. Rule 7: Predefined Class Names Can Be Used as Identifiers

    • While it is technically possible to use predefined class names (e.g., String, Runnable) as identifiers, doing so can lead to confusion and is considered poor practice. It's better to choose descriptive and meaningful names for variables.

    • Examples:

        String myString = "Hello"; // 'String' is an inbuilt class name, but valid as an identifier.
        Runnable myRunnable = new Runnable() { /* implementation */ }; // Using 'Runnable' as an identifier.
  3. Case Sensitivity

    • Java identifiers are case-sensitive, meaning that int int = 10; is valid, but using the same word with different cases, such as int Int = 10;, would cause a compile-time error.

    • Example:

        int intVar = 10; // Valid
        int IntVar = 20; // Valid (different identifier)
        int INT = 30; // Valid (different identifier)

Reserved Words Count and Structure

Java has a total of 53 reserved words that can be categorized as follows:

  • Keywords (50):

    • Used Keywords (49): These are actively used in programming.

    • Unused Keywords (2): goto and const are reserved but not used in the Java language.

  • Reserved Literals (3):

    • true, false, null: These literals are integral to the language's boolean data type.

Structure of Reserved Words

Here's a visual representation of the structure of reserved words in Java:

          |           Reserved Words           |
      |                                     |
+-------------+                      +--------------+
|   Keywords  |                      | Reserved      |
|    (50)     |                      | Literals (3)  |
+-------------+                      +--------------+
      |                                     |
      |                                     |
+--------------------+                  +-----------+
|   Used Keywords    |                  |   true    |
|        (49)        |                  |   false    |
+--------------------+                  |   null     |
      |                                     |
      |                                     |
      |                                     |
+---------------------+               +---------------------+
|  Control Flow       |               |     Data Types      |
|  (if, else, for,    |               |  (int, float,      |
|   while, switch)    |               |   double, char)    |
+---------------------+               +---------------------+
|  Exception Handling  |               |     Modifiers       |
|  (try, catch, throw, |               |  (public, private,  |
|   throws)           |               |   protected, static) |
+---------------------+               +---------------------+
|  Others             |               |     Others          |
|  (class, interface, |               |  (import, package)  |
|   extends, implements) |            |                     |
+---------------------+               +---------------------+

Literals in Java

A literal is a constant value that can be directly assigned to a variable. It represents a fixed value that does not change during the execution of a program.

Types of Literals:

  • Integer Literals: Represent whole numbers, e.g., int data = 10;

  • Floating-Point Literals: Represent decimal numbers, e.g., float price = 19.99;

  • Character Literals: Represent single characters enclosed in single quotes, e.g., char initial = 'A';

  • String Literals: Represent sequences of characters enclosed in double quotes, e.g., String name = "John";

  • Boolean Literals: Represent truth values, either true or false.

Reserved Literals

Java has three reserved literals:

  • true: Represents the logical value true.

  • false: Represents the logical value false.

  • null: Represents a null reference, indicating that a variable does not point to any object.

Examples of Reserved Literals

  1. Boolean Example:

     boolean result = 2; // Compile-time error, as 2 is not a valid boolean value.
     boolean flag = false; // Valid assignment.
     boolean examResult = True; // Compile-time error; 'True' is not recognized.
     boolean examResult = true; // Valid assignment.
  2. Comparison with C/C++:

    • In C and C++, 0 represents false and 1 represents true.

    • In Java, 0 means zero, and 1 means one. Only the boolean literals true and false are valid for boolean variables.

Note: For the boolean data type, the only allowed values for a variable are true or false. Any attempt to assign other values will result in a compile-time error.

Analysis of Reserved Words/Keywords/Built-in Words

1. Reserved Words/Keywords Lists

i) final, finalize, finally

  • final: This is a reserved keyword in Java used to declare constants, prevent method overriding, and prevent inheritance of classes.

  • finalize: This is not a reserved keyword. It is a method in the Object class that can be overridden to perform cleanup operations before an object is garbage collected.

  • finally: This is a reserved keyword used in exception handling to define a block of code that will execute after a try block, regardless of whether an exception was thrown.

Result: This list contains both reserved words and a method name (finalize).

ii) break, continue, return, exit

  • break: A reserved keyword used to exit a loop or switch statement.

  • continue: A reserved keyword that skips the current iteration of a loop and proceeds to the next iteration.

  • return: A reserved keyword used to exit from a method and optionally return a value.

  • exit: This is not a reserved keyword in Java. It is often associated with the System.exit() method, which terminates the JVM but is not a keyword.

Result: This list contains mostly reserved words, with exit being a method rather than a keyword.

iii) byte, short, integer, long

  • byte: A reserved keyword in Java representing a primitive data type that can hold an 8-bit signed integer.

  • short: A reserved keyword representing a primitive data type that can hold a 16-bit signed integer.

  • integer: This is not a reserved keyword. The correct keyword for a 32-bit signed integer is int.

  • long: A reserved keyword representing a primitive data type that can hold a 64-bit signed integer.

Result: This list contains some reserved words, but also includes integer, which is not a keyword.

iv) throw, throws, thrown

  • throw: A reserved keyword used to explicitly throw an exception.

  • throws: A reserved keyword used in method declarations to specify that a method can throw one or more exceptions.

  • thrown: This is not a reserved keyword in Java; rather, it is often used in the context of exceptions but is not an official keyword.

Result: This list contains mostly reserved words, with thrown not being a keyword.

Data Types in Java

Data Types Overview

Every variable and expression in Java has a type. Java is a strictly typed and statically typed language, meaning that all types must be explicitly declared at compile time. This helps the compiler check whether the value assigned to a variable is compatible with its data type.

Compiler Role

The Java compiler performs type checking to ensure that the values stored in variables are compatible with their declared types. For example:

int data = 10;        // Valid
Boolean result = true; // Valid

In this case, the compiler checks whether the integer 10 can be stored in the variable data and whether the boolean value true is valid for the result variable.

Primitive Data Types in Java

Primitive data types are the most basic data types supported by the language, allowing the storage of simple values. There are eight primitive data types in Java:

  1. Numeric Types:

    • Integral Types (whole numbers):

      • byte: 8 bits

      • short: 16 bits

      • int: 32 bits

      • long: 64 bits

    • Floating Point Types (real numbers):

      • float: 32 bits

      • double: 64 bits

  2. Character Type:

    • char: 16 bits (stores a single 16-bit Unicode character)
  3. Boolean Type:

    • boolean: Represents one of two values: true or false.

Tree Diagram for Primitive Data Types

Here’s a representation of the primitive data types in Java:

                  Primitive Data Types
         |                                 |
    Numeric Types                     Non-Numeric Types
         |                                 |
   +-----+-----+                       +---+-----+
   |           |                       |         |
Integral Types  Floating Point Types   Character  Boolean
   |                  |                  |         |
+--+---+    +-------+-------+      +-----+      +-----+
|      |    |               |      |     |      |     |
byte  short   float      double

Data Type Info

  • Size of Data Types: Specifies how much memory is allocated in RAM for each data type by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

  • Range of Data Types: Indicates the minimum and maximum values that can be stored in each data type.

Example: Byte Data Type

  • Size: 8 bits

  • Range:

    • Minimum value: -128

    • Maximum value: 127

Java Command: You can check the information about the byte data type using the command:

javap java.lang.Byte


byte marks = 35; // Valid
byte mark = 135; // Compile-time error: possible loss of precision (found int type)

The compiler will check whether the value being assigned to the variable is within the allowable range for that data type. This strict type checking ensures that Java maintains type safety, preventing many types of runtime errors.

Reserved Words for Data Types (8):

  1. byte

  2. short

  3. int

  4. long

  5. float

  6. double

  7. char

  8. boolean

These reserved words are predefined in Java and represent primitive data types. Here's an explanation and some examples for each:

1. byte Data Type:

  • Size: 1 byte (8 bits)

  • Min Value: -128

  • Max Value: 127

  • Use Case: Commonly used to handle data from network streams or when you need to save memory in large arrays.


    • byte a = true;Invalid (Compile Time Error: Incompatible types)

    • byte a = 10;Valid

    • byte a = "Rohit";Invalid (Compile Time Error: Incompatible types)

When to use: Use the byte data type when dealing with stream data or if you want to minimize memory usage.

Example code to know size, min, and max value:

    System.out.println("Size of Byte: " + Byte.SIZE);                  // Output: Size of Byte: 8
    System.out.println("Min Value of Byte: " + Byte.MIN_VALUE);        // Output: Min Value of Byte: -128
    System.out.println("Max Value of Byte: " + Byte.MAX_VALUE);        // Output: Max Value of Byte: 127

2. short Data Type:

  • Size: 2 bytes (16 bits)

  • Min Value: -32,768

  • Max Value: 32,767


    • Short data = 137;Valid

    • Short data = true;Invalid (Compile Time Error: Incompatible types)

    • Short data = "Rohit";Invalid (Compile Time Error: Incompatible types)

System.out.println("Size of Short: " + Short.SIZE);                 // Output: Size of Short: 16
System.out.println("Min Value of Short: " + Short.MIN_VALUE);       // Output: Min Value of Short: -32768
System.out.println("Max Value of Short: " + Short.MAX_VALUE);       // Output: Max Value of Short: 32767
  • Note: The short data type is rarely used in modern Java applications and is typically more useful for memory-constrained environments (e.g., legacy systems).

3. int Data Type:

  • Size: 4 bytes (32 bits)

  • Min Value: -2,147,483,648

  • Max Value: 2,147,483,647

  • Use Case: The most commonly used data type for storing whole numbers.


    • int data = 234567;Valid

    • int result = true;Invalid (Compile Time Error: Incompatible types)

    • int result = "pass";Invalid (Compile Time Error: Incompatible types)

    •   int data = 234567;                    // Valid
        // int result = true;                // Invalid (Compile Time Error: Incompatible types)
        // int result = "pass";              // Invalid (Compile Time Error: Incompatible types)
        System.out.println("Size of Int: " + Integer.SIZE);                 // Output: Size of Int: 32
        System.out.println("Min Value of Int: " + Integer.MIN_VALUE);       // Output: Min Value of Int: -2147483648
        System.out.println("Max Value of Int: " + Integer.MAX_VALUE);       // Output: Max Value of Int: 2147483647

Note: By default, any whole number literal in Java is considered of int type unless specified otherwise.

4. long Data Type:

  • Size: 8 bytes (64 bits)

  • Min Value: -9,223,372,036,854,775,808

  • Max Value: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

  • Use Case: Useful for storing large numeric values, especially when working with large files or data sets that exceed the range of int.


    • long data = 35587948683085L;Valid

    • long data = 23456789876543l;Valid

    • long data = 155;Valid (Still treated as an int unless suffixed with L)

    System.out.println("Size of Long: " + Long.SIZE);                   // Output: Size of Long: 64
    System.out.println("Min Value of Long: " + Long.MIN_VALUE);         // Output: Min Value of Long: -9223372036854775808
    System.out.println("Max Value of Long: " + Long.MAX_VALUE);         // Output: Max Value of Long: 9223372036854775807
  • Note: If the number exceeds the range of int, you must suffix the number with L or l to indicate it as long.

Example Scenario: Byte Arithmetic and Type Conversion

Case 1: Arithmetic with Byte Data Type

byte a = 10;
byte b = 5;
byte result = a * b;  // Compile Time Error: Possible lossy conversion from int to byte

Explanation: In Java, arithmetic operations between byte values result in an int by default, which may cause a loss of precision. Hence, casting is required.

Case 2: Byte Addition Without Result Assignment

byte a = 10;
byte b = 5;
System.out.println(a + b);  // No compile-time error, prints the result of a + b as an int

Explanation: Directly printing the result of a + b does not cause an error because the result is treated as int and no explicit cast is needed.


In this chapter, we've explored the foundational concepts that are essential for anyone starting their journey in Java programming. We began with Object-Oriented Principles, understanding how real-world objects can be represented in code through classes. By recognizing that every object has attributes (what it has) and behaviors (what it does), we set the stage for building our own Java classes.

We then delved into Reserved Keywords, identifying their crucial role in the Java programming language. Understanding that these keywords cannot be used as identifiers helps avoid common pitfalls for beginners. It’s vital to grasp these terms, as they form the backbone of the syntax and structure you will encounter in Java coding.

Finally, we looked at Data Types, distinguishing between primitive and reference types. Knowing how to choose the correct data type is essential for effective memory management and optimal program performance. As you continue your learning, remember that the right data type can greatly influence how your programs behave and interact with the system.

As you progress further into Java, keep these fundamental concepts in mind. They will serve as the building blocks for more complex programming techniques and will help you write clean, efficient code. Always remember, understanding the basics is key to mastering any programming language!

Further Reading and Resources

If you found this post insightful, you might be interested in exploring more detailed topics in my ongoing series:

  1. Full Stack Java Development Series:

    • Writing My First Java Program – Learn how to get started with Java, from setting up your environment to writing and executing your first Java program.

    • Exploring Association in Java – Dive deep into the concepts of Association in Java, including One-to-One, One-to-Many, and Many-to-One relationships with practical examples.

  2. Other Series:

    • DSA in Java – Master Data Structures and Algorithms in Java with a step-by-step approach, including practice problems and explanations.

    • Full Stack JavaScript Development – Become proficient in JavaScript with this series covering everything from front-end to back-end development, including frameworks like React and Node.js.

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Your feedback and engagement are invaluable. Feel free to reach out with questions, comments, or suggestions. Happy coding!

Rohit Gawande
Full Stack Java Developer | Blogger | Coding Enthusiast