First Java Program in Full Stack Java Development

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Chapter 5: First Java Program in Full Stack Java Development


In this chapter, we’ll delve into writing and understanding your first Java program. Java, known for its simplicity and verbosity, is an excellent language to build robust applications. We will cover core concepts like JShell, methods, compiling and running Java code, JVM (Java Virtual Machine), command line arguments, and more. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to write, compile, and run basic Java programs, understand the working of JVM, and become familiar with concepts like static, public, and methods in Java.

1. JShell: An Introduction

JShell, introduced in Java 9, is a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) tool that allows you to run Java code interactively. Instead of writing a complete program, you can test small snippets of code directly, making it an ideal tool for beginners who want to quickly understand how Java works. JShell is not intended for building full-scale applications but is perfect for quick tests, debugging, and learning Java basics.

Running Code in JShell

You can execute Java statements line by line in JShell. Each result is automatically stored in a temporary variable like $1, $2, etc., which can be reused later.


JShell> System.out.println(6 + 3);
$1 ==> 9

JShell> 5 + 72
$2 ==> 77

Here, 6 + 3 outputs 9, and the result is stored in $1. Similarly, 5 + 72 gives 77, stored in $2.

JShell provides an interactive and efficient way to experiment with code without writing full Java classes or methods.

JShell Commands

JShell comes with several useful commands for managing your session and the environment. Below are some important ones:

/varsDisplays current variables and their values.
/save <filename>Saves the current code snippets to a file.
/resetResets the environment, clearing all variables.
/listLists all code snippets entered in the current session.

Example of JShell Commands:

jshell> /vars
$1 ==> 9
$2 ==> 77

jshell> /save
(Saves the code snippets to the file '')

jshell> /reset
(Resets the environment, removing variables $1, $2, etc.)

jshell> /vars
(No variables available after reset)

2. The Role of an Editor and an IDE

Before diving deeper into Java programming, it’s crucial to understand the difference between a Text Editor and an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

1. Editor:

An editor is a basic tool where you can type code, but it lacks additional features like compiling or debugging. Common examples include:

  • Notepad

  • Sublime Text

  • Visual Studio Code (with Java extensions)

2. IDE (Integrated Development Environment):

An IDE provides a comprehensive environment where you can:

  • Write code

  • Compile and run it

  • Debug errors

  • Test applications

Popular Java IDEs include:

  • Eclipse

  • IntelliJ IDEA

  • NetBeans

Comparison Table: Editor vs. IDE

Code TypingYesYes
Syntax HighlightingLimited or Requires PluginsBuilt-in
Compiling CodeNoYes
Debugging ToolsNoYes (Advanced Debugging Features)
Code SuggestionsNoYes (Auto-completion, Syntax Hints)
Project ManagementNoYes (Supports Large Projects)

Java: Verbose but Powerful

Java is known for being verbose, meaning you have to clearly specify every detail in your code. Unlike some other programming languages where you can omit certain syntactical elements, Java requires you to:

  1. Specify data types for variables.

  2. End every statement with a semicolon (;).

  3. Use well-structured syntax, such as clearly defining classes and methods.


int sum = 6 + 3; // A simple statement must end with a semicolon (;)
System.out.println(sum); // Printing the result

While Java requires more typing compared to some languages, this verbosity ensures clarity, making it easier to understand, debug, and maintain large programs.


JShell, introduced in Java 9, is a fantastic way to experiment with Java in an interactive environment. For more substantial projects, you would use an IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA, which offers features like debugging, project management, and code suggestion tools. Java’s verbosity, while requiring more detailed code, provides a clear and structured approach to programming.

If you're new to Java, using JShell to test snippets is a great way to learn before moving on to full IDEs for developing complete applications.

3. Writing Your First Java Program

In Java, everything is centered around classes. A class is essentially a blueprint for objects, and it's where all Java programs begin. The main() method acts as the starting point of every Java program. Let’s walk through the structure of a basic Java program.

Starting Point of a Java Program: The main() Method

The main method is where the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) begins the execution of your program. Below is a simple example of a Java program with the main() method:

public class FirstProgram {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, Java!");

Here is a detailed breakdown of the program:

publicMakes the method accessible from anywhere (across all classes and projects).
staticAllows the JVM to call the method without creating an object of the class.
voidIndicates that the method does not return any value.
String[] argsRepresents an array of command-line arguments passed to the program during execution.


  • Class Declaration: public class FirstProgram declares a class named FirstProgram. In Java, everything must be inside a class.

  • main() Method: This is the method where execution starts. The line System.out.println("Hello, Java!"); prints the message "Hello, Java!" to the console.

4. Compiling and Interpreting Java Code

Once you've written your Java program, the process of execution involves two key steps:

  1. Compiling

  2. Interpreting

The compiler converts your Java source code into bytecode, which the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) then interprets and executes.

Let’s break down the steps visually:

Flowchart: Compiling and Running Java Code

.java (Source Code)
   |---(Compiling using javac command)-->
.class (Bytecode)
   |---(Interpreting using JVM)-->
Machine Language Code (Executed by CPU)
 Output (Displayed on Screen)

Key Steps in Compiling and Running Java Code

CompilingThe source code (written in .java files) is converted into bytecode (in .class files) using the javac command.
InterpretingThe bytecode is read by the JVM, which translates it into machine language (binary code) that the CPU can execute.


$ javac  // This compiles the Java file into bytecode
$ java FirstProgram        // This executes the compiled bytecode
  • The javac command compiles the Java source file into a .class file containing bytecode.

  • The java command runs the compiled bytecode, and the JVM executes it.

Key Notes on Compiling and Running Java Code

  1. Source Code (.java): This is the code you write, stored in a .java file.

  2. Compiling: You use the javac (Java Compiler) command to convert the .java file into a .class file (bytecode).

  3. Bytecode (.class): The compiled code that can be executed on any platform via the JVM.

  4. JVM: The Java Virtual Machine reads and executes the bytecode, making Java platform-independent.

  5. Machine Language: The code is further translated into machine-specific instructions that the CPU executes.

Commands for Compiling and Running Java Programs

javac <file name>Compiles the source file into bytecode. Example: javac
java <class name>Runs the compiled bytecode. Example: java FirstProgram

Example Process:

  1. Compiling:


    This command compiles the file and creates a file called FirstProgram.class.

  2. Running:

     java FirstProgram

    This command runs the compiled code using the JVM, and you’ll see the output:

     Hello, Java!

Important Rules for Compiling and Running Java Code

  1. File Name vs. Class Name:

    • There’s no compulsion for the file name and class name to be the same unless the class is public.

    • If the class is declared public, the file name must match the class name.


    public class MyProgram {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            System.out.println("This is MyProgram");
  • If this class is declared public, the file should be saved as
  1. Multiple Classes in One File:

    • You can define multiple classes in a single .java file, but only one class can be declared public.


    class ClassA {
        // ClassA code

    class ClassB {
        // ClassB code
  • In this case, both ClassA and ClassB can be present in the same file, but neither is public.

Packaging Techniques in Java

Java programs can be packaged for distribution across different operating systems. Here are some common packaging techniques:

.exeWindowsThe program is packaged as an executable for Windows.
.pkgMacUsed for Mac OS applications.
.debLinuxA Debian package format used for Linux distributions.
.jarJava Archive (All OS)Java Archive containing compiled class files and resources.

Example of a .jar File:

  • A .jar (Java ARchive) file can contain multiple .class files, libraries, and metadata.

  • Some .jar files are executable, meaning you can run them directly if they contain a main() method.

java -jar MyProgram.jar

The Role of the Operating System (OS)

The Operating System (OS) manages the execution of all software programs, including Java applications. Here’s a simplified flow:

Source File (.java) --> Java Compiler (javac) --> Bytecode (.class) --> JVM --> CPU (Machine Code) --> Output
  • The JVM looks for the main() method as the entry point of the program.

  • If the main() method is not found, the JVM won’t execute the program and throws an error.


Understanding the process of compiling and running Java code is critical for any Java developer. The use of commands like javac and java allows us to convert source code into machine-executable code. Java's Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA) feature is facilitated by the JVM, which interprets bytecode into platform-specific instructions.

Java is a structured and verbose language, and the main() method is the starting point for any application. Following these concepts ensures a solid foundation for learning Java programming.

By combining basic programming concepts with effective tools like JShell, Editors, and IDEs, you can efficiently write, compile, and run Java applications across platforms.

5. Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a critical component of the Java ecosystem, allowing Java's "Write Once, Run Anywhere" (WORA) capability. It’s designed to run Java bytecode (.class files) on any platform, making Java programs platform-independent.

Role of JVM in Java's Architecture

When a Java program is written and compiled, it is converted into bytecode (.class file) by the Java compiler (javac). The JVM is responsible for interpreting this bytecode and converting it into machine language that the underlying operating system (OS) can execute. This layer of abstraction allows Java programs to run on multiple platforms without modification.

Key Responsibilities of the JVM

Bytecode InterpretationThe JVM reads and translates bytecode into machine code that is specific to the host operating system.
Memory ManagementThe JVM manages memory allocation and garbage collection to free up unused objects.
Security ManagementThe JVM enforces security rules through its sandbox model, protecting the host system from malicious code.
Platform IndependenceThe JVM allows Java programs to run on different platforms (Windows, Linux, macOS) without modification.
Execution of the ProgramThe JVM is responsible for starting and executing a program by locating the main() method.

How the JVM Works: Step-by-Step Execution

  1. Compilation to Bytecode:

    • When you compile a Java file (javac, the compiler converts the source code into bytecode stored in .class files.
  2. JVM Execution:

    • The JVM loads the .class file and reads the bytecode.

    • It then converts this bytecode into machine-specific instructions based on the platform (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux).

  3. Main Method Check:

    • The JVM looks for the main() method as the entry point for execution. This method must follow the signature:

        public static void main(String[] args)
    • If the main() method is not found, the JVM throws an error and does not give control to the CPU for execution.


If you run a program without a main() method:

public class NoMainExample {
    static {
        System.out.println("This will not be executed.");

When you try to run the above code with the following command:

java NoMainExample

The JVM will throw an error like:

Error: Main method not found in class NoMainExample, please define the main method as:
   public static void main(String[] args)

Structure of the JVM

The JVM consists of three main components:

Class LoaderLoads .class files into memory for execution.
Runtime MemoryManages different memory areas like Heap (for objects) and Stack (for methods and local variables).
Execution EngineExecutes the bytecode, converting it into machine-specific code. It consists of the Interpreter (executes bytecode) and JIT Compiler (optimizes).

JVM's Handling of the Main Method

  1. JVM Initialization:

    • The JVM starts by initializing its components (like the Class Loader and Memory Areas).
  2. Class Loading:

    • The Class Loader loads the .class file containing the main method.
  3. Main Method Invocation:

    • The Execution Engine looks for the signature of the main() method, and if found, it begins the execution of the program.

    • If the main() method is missing, the JVM will terminate execution and throw an error.

Types of JVM Implementations

Java offers different implementations of the JVM based on the platform. Some common implementations include:

JVM TypePlatform
HotSpot JVMUsed on most desktop environments (Windows, Linux, macOS).
Dalvik VMUsed in Android-based systems.
GraalVMA polyglot virtual machine supporting multiple languages.


The JVM is at the heart of Java's cross-platform capability. It is responsible for interpreting and executing Java bytecode and managing resources like memory and security. By handling the bytecode generated from Java source files, the JVM enables Java programs to run seamlessly on any operating system that has a JVM installed.

6. Java Methods

A method in Java is a reusable block of code that performs a specific task. Similar to functions in other programming languages, methods allow developers to divide complex problems into smaller, more manageable sections of code.

Components of a Java Method

A method in Java typically consists of the following elements:

  1. Method Name: The identifier by which the method is called (e.g., sum, printMessage).

  2. Parameters: Optional inputs passed to the method for processing (e.g., int a, int b).

  3. Return Type: The type of value that the method will return (e.g., int, String, void). If the method does not return a value, the return type is void.

  4. Method Body: The block of code that executes when the method is called.

Syntax for Declaring a Method

Here’s the general syntax for a Java method:

returnType methodName(parameterType1 parameterName1, parameterType2 parameterName2, ...) {
    // method body
    return value;  // (if returnType is not void)
  • returnType: Specifies what the method will return.

  • methodName: The name used to call the method.

  • parameters: Optional values provided to the method to perform its task.

  • return value: The value returned from the method (if any).

Example: Sum of Two Numbers

Let’s look at an example where a method calculates the sum of two numbers:

public class Calculator {
    // Method to add two numbers and return the result
    public int sum(int a, int b) {
        return a + b;  // returns the sum of a and b
  • Method Name: sum

  • Parameters: Two integers a and b

  • Return Type: int (since the method returns the sum)

  • Body: The addition operation (a + b)

Example: Void Method

If a method doesn’t need to return a value, we use void as the return type. For example:

public class Printer {
    // Method to print a message
    public void printMessage() {
        System.out.println("Hello, Java!");

In this case:

  • Return Type: void (no return value)

  • Method Name: printMessage

  • Body: Prints "Hello, Java!" to the console.

Pseudocode Example: Sum of Two Numbers

Here is a simplified pseudocode example for calculating the sum of two numbers:

method sum(a, b)
    result = a + b
    return result

The pseudocode highlights the key elements of a method:

  1. The method sum() takes two parameters a and b.

  2. The body contains an addition operation.

  3. The result is returned.

7. The Main Method and JVM

The main() method is crucial in every standalone Java program. It serves as the starting point for execution. Without it, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) wouldn’t know where to begin the execution process.

Importance of the public static void main(String[] args) Signature

Let's break down why this specific signature is necessary:

  1. public: The main() method needs to be accessible by the JVM from anywhere. Without public, the JVM will not be able to access the method, and the program will not run.

  2. static: The main() method is called without creating an object of the class. The JVM directly invokes it without needing to instantiate the class.

  3. void: The main() method doesn’t return any value.

  4. String[] args: This array stores any command-line arguments passed to the program during execution.

Example of the Main Method

public class MainExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("This is the main method.");

When you run this code, the JVM looks for the main() method and starts execution from there. The System.out.println() statement prints the message to the console.

Explanation of the JVM's Role in Program Execution

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) plays a crucial role in running a Java program. Here's how the process works:

  1. JVM Initialization: When you run a Java program, the JVM is initialized. It is responsible for loading, verifying, and interpreting the bytecode (.class file).

  2. Class Loading: The JVM loads the class containing the main() method.

  3. Main Method Check: The JVM searches for the main() method inside the class.

    • If it finds the main() method with the correct signature (public static void main(String[] args)), it starts execution.

    • If the main() method is missing, or its signature is incorrect, the JVM throws an error and stops execution.

Example: JVM Unable to Find Main Method

If a class does not contain a main() method, the JVM will not execute the program. For example:

public class NoMainExample {
    public void greet() {
        System.out.println("Hello, there!");

When you try to run the code:

$ java NoMainExample

The JVM will throw an error like:

Error: Main method not found in class NoMainExample, please define the main method as:
   public static void main(String[] args)

This demonstrates that the JVM requires the main() method to begin execution.

Why is the public static Part Essential?

  1. public: The JVM needs to access the main() method from anywhere, hence the method must be public.

  2. static: The method should be called without creating an object of the class. For example:

public class MainExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("This is the static main method.");

In this code:

  • The main() method is static, so it can be called by the JVM without creating an object.

  • If the main() method were not static, the JVM would not be able to call it automatically.


  • Java Methods: Methods in Java allow you to organize code into reusable blocks. Each method has a name, parameters, a return type, and a body.

  • Main Method and JVM: The main() method is the entry point for Java programs, and without it, the JVM cannot execute the program. The public static void main(String[] args) signature is critical because it makes the method accessible and callable without creating an object.

8. Command-Line Arguments in Java

Command-line arguments allow you to pass data to your Java program during execution via the terminal or command prompt. These arguments are captured in the String[] args array in the main() method and can be used by the program to perform different tasks depending on the input provided.

How Command-Line Arguments Work

  • String[] args: This array holds the command-line arguments passed when running a Java program.

  • The arguments are always stored as strings, regardless of the type of data (e.g., integers, characters, or strings). If needed, you can convert them to the appropriate type inside the program.

Syntax of the Main Method with Command-Line Arguments

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // args[0], args[1], ..., args[n] represent the arguments passed to the program
  • args[0] refers to the first command-line argument.

  • args[1] refers to the second command-line argument, and so on.

Example: Passing Arguments from Command Line

public class ArgumentExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Argument 1: " + args[0]);
        System.out.println("Argument 2: " + args[1]);


  • String[] args: This parameter allows the program to receive and store any arguments passed during execution.

  • args[0]: Represents the first argument passed (e.g., "Hello").

  • args[1]: Represents the second argument passed (e.g., "Java").

Running the Program with Arguments

If you compile and run the above program with the following command:

$ java ArgumentExample Hello Java

The output will be:

Argument 1: Hello
Argument 2: Java

Memory Map for Command-Line Arguments

Memory LocationStored ValueDescription
args[0]"Hello"First command-line argument
args[1]"Java"Second command-line argument

Each index in the args array holds a string value representing the argument passed. If no arguments are passed, the args array will be empty (args.length == 0).

Handling Command-Line Arguments in Code

Here’s another example where we handle the arguments dynamically based on the number of arguments passed.

public class DynamicArguments {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Check if arguments are passed
        if (args.length == 0) {
            System.out.println("No arguments passed.");
        } else {
            // Print all arguments
            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                System.out.println("Argument " + (i + 1) + ": " + args[i]);

Running the Program Without Arguments

$ java DynamicArguments


No arguments passed.

Running the Program With Arguments

$ java DynamicArguments Data Science


Argument 1: Data
Argument 2: Science

9. File Naming Conventions and Java Classes

In Java, file naming conventions play a crucial role in ensuring that the program runs correctly. The file name and the class name need to follow specific rules, especially when dealing with public classes.

Key Rules for File Naming

  1. Class and File Name: If a class is marked as public, the file name must match the class name.

  2. Non-public Classes: If the class is not marked as public, the file name does not have to match the class name. You can have multiple non-public classes in the same file.

  3. File Extension: Every Java file should have the .java extension.

Example 1: Public Class

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Test class.");
  • File Name: (must match the public class Test).

  • Main Method: The entry point for the program, where the JVM starts execution.

To compile and run this code:

$ javac
$ java Test


Test class.

Example 2: Non-public Class

class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Example class.");
  • File Name: Can be (does not need to match the class name).

  • The class Example is not public, so the file name is flexible.

How Command-Line Arguments Work with Main Method

The String[] args parameter in the main() method allows the program to accept input from the command line. Even if no arguments are passed, you must include String[] args in the main() method signature for the program to compile and run.

For example:

public class PrintArguments {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Argument: " + args[0]);  // Access first argument

If you run this program like this:

$ java PrintArguments Hello


Argument: Hello

Command-Line Argument Type

Regardless of what type of argument you pass (whether it's an integer, float, or string), all command-line arguments are received as strings in Java.

For example, if you pass an integer:

$ java PrintArguments 123

The program will treat 123 as a string:

Argument: 123

If you want to treat the command-line argument as a specific type, you need to convert it. For example, to convert a string to an integer:

public class ConvertArgument {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Convert the first argument from String to int
        int num = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        System.out.println("Converted Number: " + num);

Running this program:

$ java ConvertArgument 123


Converted Number: 123

Code Explanation: Command-Line Argument Handling

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of handling command-line arguments:

public class ExampleArgument {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Example for handling command-line arguments
        if (args.length > 0) {
            // Print each argument
            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                System.out.println("Argument " + (i + 1) + ": " + args[i]);
        } else {
            System.out.println("No arguments were passed.");
  • Memory Storage of Arguments: Each argument is stored as a separate string in the args[] array.

  • Conditional Check: args.length > 0 checks if any arguments were passed.

  • Loop: The loop iterates over all the arguments and prints them.

Running the Program with Multiple Arguments

$ java ExampleArgument Apple Banana Cherry


Argument 1: Apple
Argument 2: Banana
Argument 3: Cherry

Table: Command-Line Arguments Handling

$ java ExampleArgumentNo arguments were passed.No command-line arguments provided.
$ java ExampleArgument HiArgument 1: HiOne argument passed: "Hi"
$ java ExampleArgument 123Argument 1: 123Passed as a string, not a number
$ java ExampleArgument A BArgument 1: A
Argument 2: BTwo arguments passed: "A" and "B"
$ java ExampleArgument 1 2Argument 1: 1
Argument 2: 2Numbers treated as strings


  • Command-Line Arguments: Java allows you to pass arguments to your program from the command line. These arguments are captured in the String[] args array.

  • File Naming and Classes: Public classes require the file name to match the class name. Non-public classes can have flexible file names.

  • Arguments Handling: All command-line arguments are passed as strings, even if they look like numbers. You need to convert them to the appropriate type if necessary.

10. Packages and .jar Files

In Java, packages are used to group related classes and interfaces into a single namespace, making it easier to organize and manage large applications. When distributing Java applications, these packages and their .class files can be bundled into a .jar (Java Archive) file.

Key Points About .jar Files

  • .jar File: A compressed archive that contains compiled .class files and metadata. It can include resources like images, sound files, and configuration files.

  • Purpose: .jar files allow for easy distribution and execution of Java applications as a single unit. Instead of handling multiple files, you can work with one .jar file.

  • Execution: If the .jar file contains an entry point (i.e., a main() method), it can be executed with the following command:

      $ java -jar application.jar

Real-World Example of a .jar File

Imagine you download a calculator application packaged as calculator.jar. Inside this .jar file, you may have the following:

  • Add.class: Handles addition.

  • Subtract.class: Handles subtraction.

  • Multiply.class: Handles multiplication.

  • Divide.class: Handles division.

  • resources/: Contains configuration files or icons.

This makes distribution and execution convenient as everything is packaged into a single .jar file.

11. Static vs. Dynamic Typing

Java is a statically typed language, meaning the type of a variable is known and enforced during compile time. In contrast, languages like Python and JavaScript are dynamically typed, where variable types are determined at runtime.

Difference Between Statically Typed and Dynamically Typed Languages

FeatureStatically TypedDynamically Typed
Type CheckAt compile timeAt runtime
Error DetectionErrors are detected early (during compile)Errors are detected later (during execution)
Variable DeclarationType must be declared explicitlyType is inferred automatically
ExamplesJava, C++Python, JavaScript
PerformanceGenerally faster, as type checks are done beforehandCan be slower due to runtime type checking

12. Phases of Java Code Execution

Java applications go through different phases before they are deployed and used by end-users. These phases involve multiple stakeholders, including developers, testers, and end-users.

The Three Phases of Java Code Execution

  1. Development:

    • This is where the code is written by developers.

    • Code is compiled into .class files using the Java compiler (javac).

    • During this phase, developers may pass command-line arguments to test specific features of the program.

  2. Testing:

    • The application is tested by QA engineers.

    • Testers run the application to ensure that all features behave as expected.

    • Command-line arguments can be used to simulate different test cases.

  3. Production:

    • The final phase where the code is released to end-users.

    • In production environments, Java applications may use different JVM configurations (e.g., memory allocation) to suit the hardware and operating system.

    • Command-line arguments may be passed to the JVM to configure the environment or provide inputs for execution.

Command-Line Arguments in Eclipse

To pass command-line arguments in Eclipse:

  1. Right-click on your Java file and select Run As > Run Configurations.

  2. In the Run Configurations window, select the Arguments tab.

  3. Under the Program Arguments section, type in the arguments you want to pass.

  4. Click Run to execute the program with the specified arguments.

Purpose of Command-Line Arguments

  • Input Flexibility: Allows the user to pass dynamic input at runtime without modifying the code.

  • Configuration: Used to change JVM or program settings (e.g., memory size, file paths).

  • Testing: Facilitates testing various cases without hardcoding values into the program.

Difference Between .class File and .war File

Feature.class File.war File
DefinitionA compiled Java file containing bytecodeA Web Application Archive file
PurposeHolds bytecode for one Java classPackages web applications (JavaServer Pages, Servlets, HTML, etc.)
UsageCan be executed by the JVMUsed to deploy web applications on a server
ContainsA single classMultiple files including .class, configuration files, HTML, JSP, etc.
DeployedOn any Java runtime environment (JVM)On web servers such as Apache Tomcat

The Role of JVM, JRE, and Compilation

When a Java program is executed, the following process takes place:

  1. Compilation:

    • Source code (.java files) is compiled into bytecode (.class files) by the Java compiler.

    • At this stage, the JVM is not involved. Only the compiler (javac) is used.

  2. Execution:

    • The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) loads and executes the .class files.

    • The JVM interacts with the JRE (Java Runtime Environment), which includes the libraries and components needed to run the program.

    • The main() method is the entry point for Java execution. Every program must have a main() method, which the JVM calls to start execution.

Example: Execution Process

Consider the following simple Java program:

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!");

Execution Steps

  1. Development: The developer writes the file.

    • Code is compiled: $ javac

    • This generates HelloWorld.class.

  2. Testing: Testers run the .class file in various environments.

    • Program execution: $ java HelloWorld.

    • Output: Hello, World!

  3. Production: End-users receive the .jar or .war file, which they can run with the JVM.

Key Components

  • JVM: Executes the bytecode.

  • JRE: Provides the necessary libraries and runtime environment.

  • Compiler (javac): Converts .java files to .class files.


  • Packages and .jar Files: Packages organize code, and .jar files bundle applications for easy distribution.

  • Static vs. Dynamic Typing: Java uses static typing for early error detection, while languages like Python use dynamic typing for flexibility.

  • Phases of Code Execution: Java applications go through development, testing, and production phases, with different configurations at each stage.

  • JVM and JRE: The JVM executes bytecode with the help of the JRE, while the compiler converts code into .class files.

13. Understanding JDK, JRE, and JVM

  • JDK (Java Development Kit): Includes the tools needed to write, compile, and run Java code (like the compiler and JRE).

  • JRE (Java Runtime Environment): Used to run Java programs (contains the JVM).

  • JVM (Java Virtual Machine): Executes bytecode and runs the program.

JDKDeveloper tool (compile & run code)

| Runtime (run code) | | JVM | Executes the bytecode |

14. Common Java Errors

Compile-Time Errors: Detected before the program runs (e.g., missing semicolons). Runtime Errors: Detected while the program runs (e.g., division by zero). Logical Errors: Program runs but produces incorrect results (e.g., incorrect logic).

Examples of Errors

  1. Syntax Error

Output: Compile-time error due to missing quotation mark.

  1. Runtime Error
int a = 5/0;

Output: Runtime error due to division by zero.

15. Conclusion

In this chapter, we’ve walked through writing our first Java program, understanding the role of JShell, exploring the Java development and execution process, and learning how the JVM works. Armed with these foundational concepts, you're now ready to tackle more complex Java programs in your journey to becoming a Full Stack Java Developer.

Further Reading and Resources

If you found this post insightful, you might be interested in exploring more detailed topics in my ongoing series:

  1. Full Stack Java Development: A comprehensive guide to becoming a full stack Java developer.

  2. DSA in Java: Dive into data structures and algorithms in Java with detailed explanations and examples.

  3. HashMap Implementation Explained: Understand the underlying mechanics of Java’s HashMap.

  4. Inner Classes and Interfaces in Java: Explore the intricacies of inner classes and interfaces.

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  • LeetCode: Check out my coding practice and challenges.

Your feedback and engagement are invaluable. Feel free to reach out with questions, comments, or suggestions. Happy coding!

Rohit Gawande
Full Stack Java Developer | Blogger | Coding Enthusiast